Greets, all. This is a gear list that will be added to as time goes on. Veteran producer shutting down long time studio, due to immobilization/disability; most of these items aren't currently in use; trying to clear clutter. Items sold will be marked accordingly. We haven't put prices in yet - but feel free to make a reasonable offer - on mics, we've found street value on Recording Hacks to be reasonably accurate in street price. Saddenned to part with these items, feels like the end of an era, but all gear served us well through the years. Click the images for expanded pics and scroll through -- there are usually more than one view.

Most of this is just clutter; stuff not in use or projects I simply didn't get around to, and we'll soon start breaking down the studio itself - lots more fun to go!  (We're finding more stuff day by day - surprising how much can be accumulated in 15 years!). These items will not be on ebay; not only are the commission fees crazy but here in Canada they induced a tax on used gear! (Though you can check my status/standings on ebay as imagitrax-canada).

A note: Using the Contact, please reply with the item of interest. This isn't coded like ebay. That said, shipping costs aren't included and that's a challenge on this end. If truly interested, include your postal code - and outside of Canada, Canada Post requires a destination's telephone number before they will ship..  We don't have a scale, most dimensions aren't known until packaged, so what has to happen is, a friend or caregiver will have to take the item to post office and get a price to ship. Apologies, but it's tedious and time-consuming and a burden to ask them and it doesn't always happen fast. Thanks for your understanding; it's just simply the way of life now. Some larger items (decks, speakers, etc.) will have to be shippped as opposed to post - those items will take time to figure out, so if you're in a hurry, best find it elsewhere. This isn't a fire sale on our end - it's just a slow downsizing and we'll do our best to accomodate all.
 Last updated Aug 25 2024.
Contact - please remember to include item of interest in your message
  M-Audio Delta 1010LT PCI card + breakout cables
(Drivers available on M-audio's site for latest OS. 3 pics)
  AKG C2000B Microphone  SOLD
(Clean little all-purpose LDC - Austrian)
  2 x Rode NT5 condensers pair (inc. case, clips, windscreens)
(Every studio should have a pair of these. 4 pics)

2 x MC 520 Recording Tools cardioid condensers (Sold as pair)
(Surprisingly decent - crazy quality for entry level LDCs. Cool blue lights when powered ;)  3 pics

Contact - please remember to include item of interest in your message
  R150 Ribbon Microphone (MXL)
(Basically new; never even tried it! Bought to mod but never got around to it. 3 pics)
  3 x  Electro-voice N/D 408 Dynamic mics (Sold as set only)
(Great little Tom mics - Look a bit worn, but do the job in tight spots. 3 pics)
  Audio-Technica AT3031 condenser
(Lovely hi-hat mic, used on stringed instruments nicely too - my favorite hat mic - 2 pics)
  2 x MKE-403N K3-U Microphone with ME-40 Capsule
(Stock pic only - we'll dig them out a photo them soon)
  2 x Audio-Technica 4031 (Sold as pair)
(Slim pencil SDCs) - impressed with the quality of these under-rated mics! 3 pics
  3 x ATM25s (The nicest tom mics in the house :) SOLD
Contact - please remember to include item of interest in your message
  Electro-Voice N/D868 (near new Kick mic)
(Used little, new condition as we transitioed to midi and software-based drums)
  Cloudlifter CL-1 
(Surprisingly, found it behind our mic locker. Ordered to try over our FatHead and never did try it out!)  1 pic
  Mackie 1402-VLZ Pro mixer
(Clean, straight ahead passive mixer. Guessing we bought this near 20 years ago, minimal studio use only with our video gear. We sprayed deoxit on faders and pots prior to offering)
  Mackie Onyx 1220 Analog Mixer w/ Digital Firewire option card
(Super clean, 10/10 condition, used sparingly as capture device only. If you don't need the option card they fetch $200+ alone on the bay)
Contact - please remember to include item of interest in your message

Presonus Monitor Station

(Bought a spare while ours was in for repair. had to buy power supply for it to sell now that original was repaired. This is the first generation; couldn't live without one in the studio). 4 pics

  Focusrite Saffire Pro 40
(Finicky power switch. currently still rack mounted so stock pics only, used only when more live channels needed - prefer our modded Steinberg, but it connects nicely through digital) 3 pics
  2 x PVM-45 Peavy utility Dynamic mics
(Handy utility mics in a pinch (and a pouch :)
GAM-U87 25mm Studio Sound Recording Condenser
(Mini U87 - 'was going to be another mod/build - another we just never got around to it)
It's sort of a mini U87 body 1 stock pic

More To Come Soon   (Photos coming)


From the 'To Do' list (but never got around to it):

Advanced Audio C12 mic capsule - never used
RK12 capsule - minimal use.
2 x BM700 white mic bodies - no innards (I think)
Cinemag CM-2480 Transformer - (new - never used)
Bunch of mic parts - (bag o'goodies - capsules, boards, trans from 2 new MXL V67Gs, another new MXL mic capsule - don't recall which mic)
Maiku CK12 capsule (new - never used)
Polsen PCR-65 - Cardioid Condenser Microphone (new - open box)
Ensoniq Sampler Mirage 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive - Black Face
More pics will come in time


TEAC 3340s - Beautifully restored in rolling rack
Real Oak top-load rolling rack
(lovely real wood in a studio)
Akai 1730D-SS 4 Channel Reel to Reel
Edirol UA-5
Edirol UA-25
Yorkville AudioPro 500
(power amp)
JBL 4412a's (Vintage pair - serious inquiries only - these are immaculate, 10/10 with provenance)
Ultragraph pro 32 band eq
Ultracurve pro deq2496
Virtualizer pro DSP 1000p
Mackie 1640 onyx w firewire card
(rebuilt PS by certified Mackie Tech)
Ashly CLX-52 Compressor/Limiter
Lindell Audio 510POWERMK2 10-Slot 500-Series Rack
5fish sc1-500 preamp
Radial PowerTube 500 Series Tube Mic Preamp Module

Zoom H4N Recorder
Yamaha Portatone PSR 240
(good little student keyboard)
Rode NTK (complete with factory serviced PS)
Avantone CV-12 (near new condition)
AT-4050 mics (sold as pair)

More to come

Some stock and temporary pics collage until we can get some proper ones done.

Contact - please remember to include item of interest in your message

Video / Video Capture items yet to display:

2 x Sony HVR-A1U HDV 1080i Mini DV Camcorder
Sony HDR-FX1 Mini DV Camcorder
SONY Hi-8 Video8 Stereo Handycam CCD-TRV93 (Like New 10/10) SOLD
SONY HVR-DR60 (60Gb Hard Disk Firewire Recording Unit)
Grass Valley Canopus ADVC-300 Analog to Digital Video Converter